24 Wash & Dry Laundromat i Maite

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227, 8, 96910, Maite, GU Guam
Kontakter telefon: +1 671-988-5217
Latitude: 13.4749785, Longitude: 144.7598015
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Kommentar 5

  • Dane Taitano

    Dane Taitano


    It's what you expect out of a laundromat. Clean spacious and convenient for me.

  • M Masang

    M Masang


    Assorted size washers! Clean, and has wifi😉

  • Jane Rivers

    Jane Rivers


    This place is the worst. Don’t know why I came back. Last time 80% of the machines were down and the rest taken so I left. The time before that after a 45 minute dry I realized my clothes weren’t dry. It was broken. And guess what? I’m sitting here right now with the same situation. Shame on me I guess. NEVER GO HERE

  • kenneth villegas

    kenneth villegas


    Excellent service. The staff are very helpful and they check if customers need assistance. The place is clean as well as the machines. It's cheaper than most laundromats. $2.50 for a double loader $3.75 for a triple. Money changer works good and the bathroom is clean. The only Con I could think of is that there are a few machines that are out of service, but there's still plenty to use.

  • Nicole Driscoll

    Nicole Driscoll


    I arrived at 5:45am to do laundry before work. My machines worked fine, and I appreciate that there are a variety of machine sizes as well as change machines. The laundromat is very conveniently located, and the fact that it is open 24 hours affords customers maximum flexibility. But there was another costumer here when I arrived whose laundry had been stuck in a machine for 2 hours. There were no employees present to help her. There is no telephone number posted or emergency shut off. The numbers posted online either didn't work or went to voice mail. Hers calls were never returned. This is unacceptable. She now has to leave to go to work and her clothes remain trapped in a locked, broken machine. She is understandably stressed and upset.

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