Bank of Hawaii i Hagåtña

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2F Prometric Testing Center, Hagåtña, 96913, Guam
Kontakter telefon: +1 671-479-3500
Latitude: 13.4767544, Longitude: 144.7530699
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Kommentar 5

  • R Banez

    R Banez


    BOH (its main branch) in Hagatna. Their recent products and services has been helpful for my family needs. If you have a secured smart phone device and bank account with them, you can do most transactions on you phone without even visiting them. Go visit their customer service and ask for more information, including on how to setup a secured app on your smart phone device.

  • Jade Phoenix

    Jade Phoenix


    I've gone in twice to open checking accounts. Both times there was someone available in the New Accounts section to help me right away... the initial interaction can be odd, though, because there is no check-in desk or greeting person to initiate the contact, you just sort of wander over in that direction and interrupt someone at their desk or hope they look up and make eye contact with you. Staff is generally friendly. Place is clean and quiet. There's plenty of seating for anyone who needs to wait.

  • Mark Arnold Santos

    Mark Arnold Santos


    Great service and one of my favorite bank!!

  • eddie mafnas

    eddie mafnas


    close to home and just had a good dat..

  • Christopher Kelley

    Christopher Kelley


    If you like long lines and poor customer service, this is your bank. They have too few or too slow of tellers. Expect to wait at least a half hour. Also they have no pens in the lobby. None. 5¢ pens are too pricey for this multi-million dollar bank to afford. I would never have an account here, but I need to make deposits here sometimes. I get asked if I want to open an account. Nope. And I just came here directly from First Hawaiian bank, I was in and out of there in less time than it took me to get halfway through the line here.

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