Bestseller i Tamuning

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199, Chalan San Antonio Suite 200, 96913, Tamuning, GU Guam
Kontakter telefon: +1 671-647-7233
Latitude: 13.4900839, Longitude: 144.7821694
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Kommentar 5

  • 野口眞鶴



    アウトレット内にあるので連れが他で買い物している間にも寄れるので便利です。カフェのコーナーもあるのでお茶できます。 日本のマンガの英語版沢山ありました。

  • John G

    John G


  • nelle aldan

    nelle aldan


    I give it 5 starts but i think they should order more young adult books on fantasy and romance. They should also expand and be bigger. and closing time should be later.

  • AVW IV

    AVW IV


  • Jen Kelley

    Jen Kelley


    The absolute worst. Do not buy your books from here! Wait the extra week it will take and buy them through amazon. They are also a lot cheaper that way. I have had nothing but problems. I bought their little membership. It was cheap enough and I spend a few hundred every couple of months so I made it back on my first purchase, but it all went down hill from there. First Tuesday of every month or something like that you get 20% off, I had put my name on a list to reserve the book when it came in on Friday, then Sunday, then Tuesday, close of business ' oh sorry tomorrow' well do I still get my discount because you messed up? NO. Bought Soul Eater books on black Friday, found out days before Christmas she had it. Went to return it, nope 30 day returns are only for December, you know cause Christmas gifts and such, items get returned. But a gift bought on the biggest Christmas shopping day of the year. NOPE. Amazon all the way. I go through 2-3 a week 15-20 each, you can do the math. Their Lost.

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