Cars Plus Chrysler Jeep Dodge Ram i Maite

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647, Route 8, 96910, Maite, US
Kontakter telefon: +1 671-477-7487
Latitude: 13.4750728, Longitude: 144.7705987
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Kommentar 5

  • Drizzy Dean

    Drizzy Dean


    It was great great service especially my service advisor Dave Guerrero was good at his job

  • Joel taienao

    Joel taienao


    Have had bad experience there in the past. Dropped in next time and it was smooth. Couple hours wait, service staff was on point. Dropped by today and waited for 30 minutes while two service staff had a meeting. There was a guy sitting at the counter when I walked in and he looked at me and said “oh sorry they’re in a meeting, shouldn’t take too long”. At that point the two people in the room both looked at me and then went on with their meeting. Twenty five minutes later I’m still waiting so I decided to leave. If I waited this long just to be spoken to for someone to ask what I needed then I had no faith that my truck would be serviced today. I saw Mr. Crisostomo speaking to customers in the lobby but it looked like he was busy so I didn’t bother him. The people in the lobby were very nice, wish they could work at the service counter.

  • ed paulino

    ed paulino


    Today had an oil change quick and fast thanks Car Plus

  • Mieko Atalig

    Mieko Atalig


    Five stars well earned!! They have great customer service and the staff are more than happy to help you with whatever you may need. They have a family friendly environment and you can always leave knowing that you and your vehicle are taken care of. Great job Cars Plus!!!

  • Jason Phillip Santos

    Jason Phillip Santos


    Great Service. Awesome staff, everybody that passes by will always ask if we have been assisted already. They are very attentive to the customers and their needs. highly recommend

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