Chandan Spa i Tamuning

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145, Trankiludat Street, 96913, Tamuning, GU Guam
Kontakter telefon: +1-671
Latitude: 13.5042836, Longitude: 144.7944231
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Kommentar 4

  • Vincent Snow

    Vincent Snow


    I live in Tamuning and go to the spa at least once a month for therapeutic massages. This is a nice spa and the therapists are very good, but their policy for appointments led me to choose a different regular spa. I came in today for my appointment on time, and was told it was given to someone else who was 40 minutes late so I couldn't be seen before I had to go to work. Very disappointed.

  • Sheta Rea

    Sheta Rea


  • Patrice Wills

    Patrice Wills


  • Jade Phoenix

    Jade Phoenix


    Chandan at Sheraton has the perfect ambiance, nice massage oil selections, comfortable massage tables, and decent massage 'therapists'. If you can go earlier in the day, I recommend it as they have discounted prices for their 'early bird special'. I also highly recommend being very clear about what you want - if you have a specific area that requires attention or if you have a personal preference regarding massage therapist gender or massage pressure - speak up. I've had good experiences here, especially in comparison to other places where there wasn't as much privacy, respect for discretion, or appropriate ambiance (Chandan excels in these areas), but we did once have an issue with a couple's massage where my partner didn't want a male therapist, so I asked for him, but they disregarded and matched us up based on gender. Turned out the young male therapist was likely just a beginner as his technique was severely lacking and he did not pay attention to the shoulder pain my partner specifically asked to have addressed. Aside from that, I've had nothing but amazing experiences.

Nærmeste Spa:

Kutsurogi Spa Guam

720 San Vitores Road, Tumon
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Verona Resort & Spa

188 Tumon Bay Road, Tamuning
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