Coast 360 Federal Credit Union i Mongmong-Toto-Maite

Åben kort
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🕗 Åbningstider

450, 8, 96910, Mongmong-Toto-Maite, GU Guam
Kontakter telefon: +1 671-477-8736
Latitude: 13.4767257, Longitude: 144.7657453
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Kommentar 5

  • Mack Pedro

    Mack Pedro


    Coast 360 ATM machines are notorious for "OUT OF ORDER" . That problem needs to be addressed, many times I go ATM hunting for a working Coast 360 ATM..I end up going on a wild goose chase ..started at UOG then to Barrigada 76 then to Oceanview 76 ....all Out of can be an adventure. .but other that Great service.

  • Al Lipata

    Al Lipata


    They are so slow. It's like the DMV. People waiting in life be exceeding 45 minutes. Sometimes there's like 2 counters closed.

  • Sha Wildfyre

    Sha Wildfyre


    The Maite location of Coast 360 has a very modernized look and feel. When they first opened, there was hype about their parking spots for electric cars to recharge. I'm not sure how often that is utilized, but it's pretty cool that they have that option at all. What makes them different from other banks on island are their coin machines, where you can just dump your container of coins in and it sorts it out for you and deposits it to your account (sometimes the cash back feature is available, as well).

  • eddie mafnas

    eddie mafnas


    Thats my bank

  • Tammy Quinata

    Tammy Quinata


    Love this bank!

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