Custom Fitness dba CrossFit Gof Metgot i Hagåtña

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185 Dulce Nombre de Maria Dr., Hagåtña, 96910, Guam
Kontakter telefon: +1 671-989-0436
Latitude: 13.4787106, Longitude: 144.7378457
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Kommentar 5

  • Scott Yeaple

    Scott Yeaple


  • mariah hennegan

    mariah hennegan


  • logan reyes

    logan reyes


    I've been to three other crossfit boxes and 4 different gyms on island and this is my favorite facility in Guam, by far. It's an enormous 15,000 sq. ft facility that where you'll find a Crossfit box (Crossfit Kids, CFGM Barbell Club, Crossfit Endurance), physical therapy clinic (Custom Fitness), hot bath, cold bath, sauna, Olympic Weightlifting area w/ barbells and blocks, assault bike area, rowers, ski ergs, private one on one coaching, large classes, small classes, yoga classes on the sun deck, barbell club, and regular opportunities for members to get together and cut loose with some friendly competition or just a casual get together on the deck. They feature a lot of this on their Instagram account @CustomFitness. As an added bonus, Dr. Claros is readily available to address concerns that athletes may experience in their training. So you get some expert PT input to ensure you meet your training goals. You usually see him putting in work in the box. It's nice having an actual athlete who happens to be a doctor of physical therapy to address your concerns. Awesome note: The coaches aren't just certified in Crossfit, a number of them coach and compete in other sports, and within the box, they've had to undergo hundreds of hours of assistant coaching under a master coach before being allowed to coach their own classes. FYI: You get a large mix of people training here. From beginners to Regional competitors. Crossfit Gof Metgot has fielded the top team in the Crossfit open for men and women on Guam since 2015- sending a team to regionals in 2015. Everyone trains to their ability, but there are seriously no egos- just a bunch of solid people that enjoy the masochistic dance that is Crossfit. If Customer Fitness is out of your way and you're looking for another place to train, I'd recommend the following: Crossfit Jumpstart in Maite (Great for beginners. Features very small class sizes and a super strong and supportive community), Crossfit Chamorri in Tamuning (These guys put in work, and a number of members are either active duty or vets. They also have a legitimate Olympic Weightlifting setup. Guam National Team for Olympic Weightlifting runs the barbell club here), Crossfit Latte Stone in Harmon (These are my homeboys. They train hard and are super chill. They have a strong community as well), Crossfit Hatsa in Dededo (Gotta show these guys love. They're relatively new and a growing community with some solid coaches. And their facility is nice), and Unified Crossfit (centrally located behind ITC building in Tamuning, with small, controlled class sizes).

  • Jason Ivanosich

    Jason Ivanosich


    This is in my opinion the best training facility on the island. Friendly, knowledgeable staff and coaches that are sincerely care about helping you towards whatever fitness goals you have. More like family than a business.

  • Jonathan Cybulski

    Jonathan Cybulski


    Hands down the best box on island.

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