Dial Rent-To-Own Hagatna i Hagåtña

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436, Marine Corps Drive, 96913, Hagåtña, GU Guam
Kontakter telefon: +1 671-477-7368
Hjemmeside: www.dialrto.com
Latitude: 13.477984, Longitude: 144.7631972
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Kommentar 5

  • Antonette Shai

    Antonette Shai


    Dial Rent To Own staff are amazing. They have an outstanding customer service. When I go there almost everyone know me by name. They're funny and most importantly they are quick to attend to your needs.

  • Karen Dela Cruz

    Karen Dela Cruz


    We have been with DRTO in Agana for about three years and counting and their hospitality is incredible! Ms. Joanne and her crew provided us and continued to show us great customer service. They also work around our budget when go thru hard times and we are appreciative of it. If you don't have the money straight up to get what you need, check them out! I'm sure they will help you out 😁

  • Paul Santos

    Paul Santos


    Dial Rent to Own Hagatna provide the best and humble service to customers. Their patient and understanding. They give customers who are struggling in life chances to continue using their products. They know how to work with customers and work with their financial struggles. Thank you for all your warm hospitality and open hearts. God bless you all and may the good Lord bless dial with fruitful buisness in the future.

  • Jacqueline Brendon

    Jacqueline Brendon


    Dial rent to own has helped my Family get a comfortable bed that we can afford. When you have a budget to work with Dial rent to own for your comfort needs. Thank you Dial in Hagatna for a Great service!!! Jacque and Brendon Santos

  • carolyn castaneda

    carolyn castaneda


    DRTO Hagatna has excellent customer service all around!! The store always has a fresh aroma and very clean. Staff are very friendly, informative, helpful, and understanding—makes you feel like family. They’re products are just as excellent!! As a very satisfied customer I referred a couple of friends and family and they are satisfied as well. Ten thumbs up to DRTO Hagatna branch!!

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