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🕗 Åbningstider

219, South Marine Corps Drive, 96913, Tamuning, US
Kontakter telefon: +1 671-688-2273
Latitude: 13.492211, Longitude: 144.791665
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Kommentar 5

  • Nab Bonsu

    Nab Bonsu


    This company for the past 3 days has refused to provide me with wifi installation services. They set up a time for my installation but has never contacted me. I have been calling and calling and all I get is "we are sorry, the installer we contact you" 2 hours later nothing......... 3hours later no call or whatsoever from DOCOMO PACIFIC. I am honestly appalled by their lack of customer service. 👎🏾👎🏿👎🏿👎🏿👎🏿👎🏿👎🏿👎🏿👎🏿👎🏿

  • Ronnie Cruz

    Ronnie Cruz


    Early morning smooth and fast customer service name of person to see work location faster process

  • daniel galiza

    daniel galiza


    Fast service. Prices are more expensive compared to GTA and ITE

  • Don Garcia

    Don Garcia


    They have data caps for home internet! For the same price, higher upload speed and no data cap, go with GTA!

  • Benjamin Widenoja

    Benjamin Widenoja


    Reliable as any, but extremely expensive. Business practice is most definitely profit over customer service. Also, most customer service reps, while very polite and personable, are not tech savvy. The number one tech answer for mobile phones is, "Turn it off, remove the battery for a few minutes, and then put it back in and restart." If that doesn't fix your issues after taking it to their store at least three times, you can expect a long wait for their repair center to fix it and an unequal quality loaner phone. It might make sense with a bundle if you have a large family that all require internet, cable, mobile phones, and a land line, but that's about the only option that is even close to reasonably priced.

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