Hagatna Post Office i Hagåtña

Åben kort
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🕗 Åbningstider

Aspinall Avenue, 96910, Hagåtña, GU Guam
Kontakter telefon: +1 671-472-6564
Hjemmeside: www.postallocations.com
Latitude: 13.4750081, Longitude: 144.7509214
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Kommentar 5

  • Ashley Connell

    Ashley Connell


    We went during the day Thursday and it wasn't busy at all. The guy working was really friendly and helpful.

  • Rose Eddy

    Rose Eddy


    Busiest time of day and they have a single person working the desk. Wait time is never less than 30 minutes. Efficiency and smart scheduling must not be a priority. This place is maddening.

  • Lucas Hemlani

    Lucas Hemlani


    Downtowns famous post office next to the museum

  • Lisa Villagomez

    Lisa Villagomez


    They don't seem to like to answer their phones.. whats the use of having one and no one answers..

  • A. Beloup

    A. Beloup


    Horrible. Terrible. For some reason they have a phone they never answer.

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