Home Services at The Home Depot i Tamuning

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295 Chalan Pasaheru, Route 10a, Tamuning, 96913, Guam
Kontakter telefon: +1 844-868-6140
Hjemmeside: www.homedepot.com
Latitude: 13.4934176, Longitude: 144.7999113
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Kommentar 5

  • Frank Cruz

    Frank Cruz


    The place is well lit and clean with a wide variety of products. The employees are few making it a little difficult to find someone to help you.

  • Jae Hung Yang

    Jae Hung Yang


    가격도 싸고 아침 저녁시간을 이용할수 있어서 너무 좋아요.

  • Steve Kim

    Steve Kim


    Can buy all construction and housing materials

  • Andrew Babas

    Andrew Babas


    The big boys toy store. I can spend hours just walking around here. Store is always well lit and clean. Employees always seem busy doing something but will take the time to help you if needed. Now if only they expanded into automotive and athletic merchandise.

  • Daniel Mendes

    Daniel Mendes


    Pretty much everthing you need for your home besides furniture can be found here, just like back in the mainland.

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