Hotel Santa Fe Guam i Tamuning

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132, Lagoon Drive, 96913, Tamuning, GU Guam
Kontakter telefon: +1 671-647-8855
Latitude: 13.4924875, Longitude: 144.7755192
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Kommentar 5

  • D. Bird

    D. Bird


    Worst hotel I've ever stayed at. I should have picked a similar priced hotel away from the beach. Phones in the rooms dont work (been like that for over a year according to staff). Hotel stinks also. The pool closes when the help decide. There is no set time. The "fitness room" looks like a crack house. Lousy really...

  • Jordan Cruz

    Jordan Cruz


    Nice at night. Really good vibes from the bands that play there.

  • Edgardo Hernandez

    Edgardo Hernandez


    wow where should I start used to be a really nice cozy place but now I don't know if it's Under New Management or what's going on with the owner but it's is not not a good place to stay I mean they just let the hotel go downhill I'm in the carpet is the same carpet they had when I was here the first time like 6 years ago smells bad the tub on the bathroom has more on the bottom the laundry room really dirty they only have one washer and one dryer so you can imagine the time you have to wait to wash your clothes they have a pretty decent breakfast is good could be a little bit better the staff is really friendly I have no complaints there they do the the best they can but if they management keeps this up I don't think the hotels going to last for long it's a shame because it'd used to be a really really nice place

  • Nicole Johnson

    Nicole Johnson


    The rooms could have better beds, but everything worked, it had what we needed, and the beach is nice. That customer service was great too. The guy working the desk at night, Benny, was extremely helpful and answered questions that we had about the area.

  • Wayan Vota

    Wayan Vota


    Let’s be honest. You’re looking at Santa Fe b/c for cheap hotel w/ ocean view. That it is, perfectly. Low priced stunning views and right on the bay. You can’t get better for these prices in Guam. You can pay more for a better room, nicer hotel, and bigger beach, of course. But you’d be looking at those hotel reviews if you wanted to spend big $$ for that. Instead, spend your money on food, drinks, experiences. Stay at the Santa Fe for low-cost vistas and a beach at your toes.

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