Island Realty Guam i Hagåtña

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414, West Soledad Avenue, 96910, Hagåtña, GU Guam
Kontakter telefon: +1 800-691-8653
Latitude: 13.4770189, Longitude: 144.7454024
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Kommentar 5

  • Aaron Pasoquen

    Aaron Pasoquen


    While I was in the process of moving (PCS) to Guam, I looked up a few realty agencies to see who could best fit my needs. I got in contact with Martin and he compiled a list of properties as well as let me look at what was available. When I finally arrived on Guam, on the day I wanted to look at places, he pick me up and drove me around to all the properties I was interested in. The thing that I really liked was that he was not pushy and let me choose the place that I liked best. After choosing my place, he told me exactly what documents I would need and what I would need to do in order to be able to rent the home. After that day everything else was done electronically which made the process super fast and didn’t waste any of our time. I am in the military and he met the inspector’s without me having to be there which was also very convenient, allowing me to move into the place as quickly as possible. Overall I had a very positive and professional experience and would highly recommend Mr Howard as a realtor you should consider.

  • Ike Elickios

    Ike Elickios



  • _Mrscalvo



  • Luis Aveiro

    Luis Aveiro


  • S haKA

    S haKA


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