Luxe Vape Junction Lounge i Tamuning

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205, South Marine Corps Drive, 96913, Tamuning, GU Guam
Kontakter telefon: +1 671-649-3423
Latitude: 13.494312, Longitude: 144.793668
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Kommentar 5

  • sean felt

    sean felt


  • john michael

    john michael


    I've been to all three locations including the brand new branch in yigo. All three always have stock. But the one in tamuning is pretty much always crowded. The one in mangilao is my favorite, not that crowded. In yigo it was pretty packed, and the workers were busy playing. But all three customer service was good

  • Victor Reyes

    Victor Reyes


    Awesome shop

  • Michael Weidenbacher

    Michael Weidenbacher


    Decent selection of juice.

  • Philip Godfrey

    Philip Godfrey


    Pretty expensive juices and there is almost always a bunch of people in there waiting in line or just hanging out. While I think it's nice that there is a lounge-like atmosphere where people can hang out and vape it doesn't come across as being a very accessible environment. Low lighting, tons of vapor in the air, no room at the front counter for interacting with the employees. That said, it's always fully stocked with everything you need and a huge juice selection, centrally located and easy to find (same plaza as Rotten Apple, right across from airport rd/route 1 intersection.)

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