Mega Drug Pharmacy i Tamuning

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255, 30A, 96913, Tamuning, GU Guam
Kontakter telefon: +1 671-646-5355
Latitude: 13.4978745, Longitude: 144.777475
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Kommentar 5

  • Keith Quiambao

    Keith Quiambao


    Usually good service but today was told that they have medication but they didn't indicate they didn't have enough. And then was told that a prescription was a certain cost but wasn't told that it's per box. They also have a tendency of talking about you in Tagalog when you have complaints please be careful.

  • Michael Weidenbacher

    Michael Weidenbacher


    No qualms.

  • Adrian Medina

    Adrian Medina


    Although parking is at a premium, this is a great pharmacy, and the staff are helpful. It's walking distance from Oka Payless.

  • Joe Vee

    Joe Vee


    The BEST Pharmacy!! They ordered the hard-to-find medicines for my Mom!

  • Paul



    Bad customer service; don't tell you customer you call him/her if you have no intention of calling; I was told I would get a call about my son's medicine; that was almost 2 weeks ago so now I had to call. Very friendly lady helped me (the only reason this review is rated with three stars) who told me it was ready.

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