Nichol's Boutique i Hagåtña

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207 A Route 4, Hagåtña, 96910, Guam
Kontakter telefon: +1 671-472-2840
Latitude: 13.474052, Longitude: 144.754207
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Kommentar 4

  • christopher baza

    christopher baza


  • R Eddy

    R Eddy


    Nichol's Boutique is the only florist in this area that I know of. I've gone in to purchase a bouquet a couple of times for special occasions. They are pricier than the states (what I've been used to), but maybe that is to be expected. I think there isn't many options for people wanting flowers here. The staff was friendly enough and wrapped up something right away when I choose something. For Guam I can't really complain. I recommend you give them a try, but you should understand flowers aren't exactly cheap, no matter where you live.

  • Julieann Jesus

    Julieann Jesus


  • C. Kinsey

    C. Kinsey


    Sorry excuse for a florist, don't waste you money or time.

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