Pacific Cardiology Consultants i Tamuning

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Governor Carlos G Camacho Road, 96913, Tamuning, GU Guam
Kontakter telefon: +1 671-649-1002
Latitude: 13.4984393, Longitude: 144.7752839
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Kommentar 1

  • Robert Cruz

    Robert Cruz


    I had heart related procedures including an angiogram in June 2017. My only complaint s that they tell you to come in at 7 am., but the Pacific Cardiology office does not itself open until 8 am. I saw several other patients who were agitated when they learned this, and one left the area. We were all in the hallway. I called the number posted on the Pacific Cardiology sign and heard the phone ringing inside the empty office. After a half hour of waiting, a staff from the end of the hall, came up to us and said that we could wait in her area. It is an internal organization error. The entire floor is under the control of Dr. Berg, Radiologist, and word does not get to Pacific Cardiology patients that there is a special waiting area withint DR. BERG's office, not Pacific Cardiolgy, where you must wait for your angiograms. Some angiogram patients apparently do not know that Dr. Inaga will do an exit interview, showing you the actual video recording of your heart taken during the procedure. Angiogram patients, expect to be in the Berg clinic ALL DAY. You do not leave until around 5 or 6 pm. Dr. Inaga himself seems to be a very good doctor. It is the office procedures that seem to be poorly organized. Since Paciic Cardiology is part of Dr. Berg's clinical operation on the 2nd floor, I would place the blame on him.

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