Pacific War Museum i Hagåtña

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6, 96910, Hagåtña, GU Guam
Kontakter telefon: +1 671-477-8355
Latitude: 13.4753563, Longitude: 144.7306252
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Kommentar 5

  • Ueli Hartmann

    Ueli Hartmann


    Interesting little place and worth to visit. Nevertheless, a little fresh up or just clean the place from time to time would be good for the place and it would look more fresh.

  • Yogi Budder

    Yogi Budder


    When I first got there there was no one in the front to greet us. It costs 3 dollars per person for entry. It is very small it took about 15 or so minutes to see everything. It had one wing for the American and the other for the Japanese. It had pictures of each side and description each picture. Each wing had actual weapons and ammunition for the period. Medals and rank of the military men. Venturing outside it had vehicles and anti tank guns on display and you can actually enter them, which I didn't enter myself because I saw a few spider webs in them. Overall if you're a history buff, I recommend it.

  • Norman Macdonald

    Norman Macdonald


    There was some unique memorabilia of the Guam conflict in the museum, well worth a visit

  • mik riv

    mik riv


    Very informative, as a veteran I felt proud to see Chamoros and mainlanders fight back against oppression together, wish more things were all inclusive these days !

  • Jennings Bunn

    Jennings Bunn


    This Museum is the very best one on Guam. Built by a Vietnam War Marine Corps veteran, John Pangilian Gerber, and furnished with many hundreds of WWII American & Japanese artifacts, you will find no better exhibits. Built at the base of Chonito Cliffs, the Museum sits on a hotly contested battle site, one of many on Guam. Make this Museum a "must see" stop on your visit to this beautiful Island.

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