Papa John's Pizza Guam i Tamuning

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267, South Marine Corps Drive, 96913, Tamuning, GU Guam
Kontakter telefon: +1 671-648-7752
Latitude: 13.491706, Longitude: 144.7908072
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Kommentar 5

  • Zach White

    Zach White


    Great service and delicious pizza. Holding up the Papa Johns standard. Love the stuffed crust!

  • ajc atrain

    ajc atrain


    The 1st time I ordered a pizza it was fast with great service & delivery. I called 2 order another night at 9:04pm & was told they stop deliveries at 9pm. I called Pizza Hut & they delivered me a pizza no problem. Thank you for the lost sale because you have a bad store policy & do not compete with your completion by having the same delivery times.

  • Lenard M

    Lenard M


    My father ordered 2 pizzas(Note:We live in Piti). So, I was tasked to pick it up by my father and my father gave me his card to purchase said pizza. When I get there, from Piti to Tamuning, I was told that my father needed to be present in order to use the card. Wow. Same last name from my id and the card? Doesn’t ring a bell? No? Well say goodbye to our money and do whatever you want with the pizza.

  • C Quito

    C Quito


    Pizza is fantastic, but a bit pricey. At regular price, it matches the other competition. So go for the special promo's to get the best bang for your buck. The other may offer it cheaper, but there is no question when it comes to the quality. Wish they would bring back the Brookie!! *cough cough*

  • Wilbert Bass

    Wilbert Bass


    Took well over 2 hours to deliver one large pizza and a soda. Lack of a website is a huge minus as well, speaking to a employee over the phone is very difficult and often takes way more time than it should. If I could give it 0 stars, I would.

Nærmeste Måltid levering:

Papa John's Pizza Guam

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