Pay-Less Supermarkets i Hagåtña

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Hagåtña, 96910, Guam
Kontakter telefon: +1 671-477-7155
Latitude: 13.4596629, Longitude: 144.7574638
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Kommentar 5

  • Val Senior

    Val Senior


    Service is good. Only item they didnt have was dog food brand is IAMs mini chunks

  • Shirley Olkeriil

    Shirley Olkeriil


    I found what I needed. Store is clean. Personnel are friendly. And I love their pick 5 deal

  • Patric Spohn

    Patric Spohn


    Better organized. Better display of goods, especially the vegetable section. Fresher looks. For example, I could find all veggies to make a decent Thai Green Curry. More local food. Better priced. All compared to Payless at ASC. From now, Payless at Agana Heights will see me more often.

  • Roque Salas

    Roque Salas


    On the island of Guam, you can usually find everything you need there, food, produce, toiletries, suntan lotion, bug spray, snacks, drinks, ice, and unique island products for the fiesta.

  • Bess Bess

    Bess Bess


    It's convenient and comfortable to shop there. It offers a variety of choices for travelers to buy instant food. Outside the supermarket, there's a huge parking lot, So you don't have to worry about parking problem.

Nærmeste Supermarked:

Pay-Less Supermarkets

302, South Route 4 O'Brien Drive 4, Hagåtña
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