Payless Supermarket i Tamuning

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445, Governor Carlos G Camacho Road, 96913, Tamuning, GU Guam
Kontakter telefon: +1-671
Latitude: 13.4981575, Longitude: 144.7763226
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Kommentar 5

  • Terri Case

    Terri Case


    These store should be ashamed of the prices they charge. I laugh everytime I go here to shop. Who are these horrible crooks running these store? Do they think the shopper is stupid? They line their pockets on the backs of poor people on food stamps. And act as if they are doing us all a favor be bringing us half rotten vegetables, nasty meat, nasty nasty nasty! These stores have a horrible stink and funk. They are what I call 'low rent'. In the US you would never set foot in a store like this.

  • James Bunn

    James Bunn


    Great selection. Lots of Asian products as well as US products, fruits and vegetables. Meat selection could be better (not enough variety). Overall, quite good.

  • Carrie Ksau

    Carrie Ksau


    It's clean and has better quality items compared to other stores on the island, I'm never disappointed.

  • David U

    David U


    Free parking, friendly staff, better prices than most other places, in store coffee shop with fresh juices. Fresh made edibles as well. Snacks, alcohol, yogurt, sundries, cookies, fresh fruits, cut and whole, locally grown items, frozen goods, holiday items.

  • Stephanie Gump

    Stephanie Gump


    Always shop here it's my preference. It always has what I need just have to watch what time you go as certain times are way more busy. The earlier the better or later in evening is better

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