Regal Cinemas Guam Megaplex 14 i Tamuning

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235 Pas St, Tamuning, 96911, Guam
Kontakter telefon: +1 844-462-7342
Latitude: 13.490213, Longitude: 144.780742
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Kommentar 5

  • Sophia Davis

    Sophia Davis


    Love going to see a movie here! Comfortable seats but make sure you have money for the concession stand. The nachos are amazing!!

  • Bryce Muzzy

    Bryce Muzzy


    Best theater on Guam. Good prices, military discount, quick service, Regal app and rewards are good, clean. Popcorn honestly is pretty bad but it doesn't impact the movie and the rest of the snack bar is fine. Can get very crowded on releases but usually not bad day to day.

  • Mister Juco

    Mister Juco


    Love that they let you apply your own butter and have unlimited jalepenos

  • Mrs. Hattori

    Mrs. Hattori


    Fantastic theater and concession. Staff is awesome. The one issue is the bathroom was not clean. Floor stuck to my shoes. Not good.

  • Richard Spaziano

    Richard Spaziano


    This is the best theatre on island. Don't go to the others, you will be disappointed.

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