Resort Onward Waterpark i Tamuning

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445, Governor Carlos G Camacho Road, 96913, Tamuning, GU Guam
Kontakter telefon: +1 671-647-7765
Latitude: 13.4949736, Longitude: 144.7745069
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Kommentar 5




    Good service and good free water park for guest.

  • Edward Massey

    Edward Massey


    I work at Guam Plaza Security I would say that the water park is just as nice as Tarza.

  • Chris Aquino

    Chris Aquino


    My experience at onward beach resort was 5 out of 5, my kids loved it and as long as they loved it I'm all in.

  • M Wesen

    M Wesen


    First is this place has zip lines which are included but it is slow especially if a long line. I loved zip lining. The lazy river is nice but cud use redecorating of the scenery. This place needs a huge face lift. We bought tickets with lunch only $25/adult the lunch is chomorro fusion chicken beef rice and salad it was a ton of food abd was not bad at all. The downsides were not any slides or rides for my 5 year old. I didnt go to tge beach but it looks beautiful. The kids and myself all have blisters from the hot pavement. I dont remember any waterpark ive ever visited burning my feet so bad. I would return but maybe in a year or so after I have forgotten how un enlightened I was about this place. Ih and in Guam style the slides abd zip line crew take lunch breaks. 12-1 for slides and 1-2 for zip lines. So make sure u go real early or late or have 2 hours to kill. Also I have to say they need new mats for slides. Some were new but others were torb to shreds. We visited Aug 23rd and not many ppl but still had to wait for a mat which is used to go down slides.

  • Sharlene Cruz

    Sharlene Cruz


    My favorite water park. My daughter is always the happiest kid ever when she's there. Its such a great place to have a family day.

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