The Royal Orchid Guam Hotel i Tumon

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626, Pale San Vitores Road, 96931, Tumon, GU Guam
Kontakter telefon: +1 671-649-2000
Latitude: 13.502325, Longitude: 144.794856
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Kommentar 5

  • Virginia Mettaodometita

    Virginia Mettaodometita


    It's a great place. Free wifi, gym and pool and some restaurants, gift shop and some gift shop across or nearby. Pacific Island club is across 2 minute walk after this traffic light. Dark lighted in the hallway of your unit. Tight security camera. They have a laundry $2.00.

  • Lee Kunkun

    Lee Kunkun


    Place to sleep gud rooms and restaurants all over the hotel. Rooms different but great experience

  • David Logan

    David Logan


    This hotel is the equivalent of a catfish. Looks great in the photos, but when you get to the room it is nothing as it seems. Our window was broke, headboard all scratched and cracked, the painting done to the room looked as if Ray Charles did it. The bed was similiar to as if i was sleeping on the ground in a field. The fitness center looked run down and just unwell kept. The pool is the biggest false advertising. In the pictures it looks beautiful, clear, and relaxing. But actually step to see it and it is nothing like the pictures. Will never be back because me and my wife booked the most expensive suite and i wouldnt wanna even walk into the lower priced ones.

  • Therese Kintoki Manglona

    Therese Kintoki Manglona


    Love the hotel. Friendly and helpful staff. Comfy rooms and love that theres restaurants in the area. Parking on every floor level.

  • Roger Chang

    Roger Chang


    Tony Roma, at the ground floor of the Royal Orchid hotel of Guam, offers authentic American styled food. Good steak and hamburger. The price is medium high to me. Service good and speedy. Must try their “onion loaf”, excellent to serve with a peer! Strongly recommending reservations before you go. We wait for nearly an hour for dinner! No vegetarian options.

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