Salina's Beautyworks i Hagåtña

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230, West Soledad Avenue, 96910, Hagåtña, GU Guam
Kontakter telefon: +1 671-477-4316
Latitude: 13.4768198, Longitude: 144.7507818
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Kommentar 5

  • Leilanie Garcia

    Leilanie Garcia


    Service is amazing. Quality of work is awesome. Staff and enviroment are friendly and inviting

  • Dannis Le

    Dannis Le


    Pretty much says it all that Sean is the only person who has cut my hair for the past four years and counting

  • Via Brady

    Via Brady


    Asked for long layers got long hair in the back and chunky bangs that go to the chin in the front. Going to try somewhere else next time (Btw where the blonde ends is where be the bangs are)

  • Nobia Sprouse

    Nobia Sprouse


    Sean is AMAZING!!!!! He was so helpful with helping me decide how to "fix" my hot mess! He took his time and was fabulous. I've been to 4 other stylist on island and no one can compare. Everyone was so friendly and kind!! GREAT experience!!!

  • Onnika Martillo

    Onnika Martillo


    😫 After getting my hair done by Sean then moving back to the states, there's no one I trust to even come close to my hair. This shop is absolutely amazing in all of their work, got my eyebrows done here as well and feel others will mess up the perfected shape they did at Salina's. I've never been one to go to a Salon but would fly back to Guam just to make an appointment. Thanks so much to the Salina's crew and hope y'all branch out and make it to the states! Until then I'll be in pursuit.

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