The Bayview Hotel Guam i Tamuning

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Pale San Vitores Road, 96913, Tamuning, GU Guam
Kontakter telefon: +1 671-646-2300
Latitude: 13.51684, Longitude: 144.809447
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Kommentar 5

  • Peyton Randulf

    Peyton Randulf


    This hotel is a bit run down. It needs a refurbishing. My bed had a ridiculously worn out mattress as you could feel the bed springs. The room size is great and the location is good. It is priced low as it should be given the run down condition. But it seems like good value for the money.

  • Caroline Martinez

    Caroline Martinez


    Located in the heart of Pleasure Island District Tumon, Guam. It’s a perfect location, literally walking distance to everything. Hotel provides elevator access to all floors. You will exit the elevators to the rear side of building which leads to the outdoor corridor hotel room doors. Which is an unexpected surprise in itself because the rear of hotel provides a beautiful natural landscaped cliff wall and partial ocean views. All the hotel rooms have balconies that face the front of the building, which offer beautiful ocean views. Although it’s an older hotel the prices are competitive, the staff is welcoming, and the property is maintained very well. I was here 6 nights in the deluxe queen. (Which looks exactly like the online pictures) It was always very clean, I can see the ocean every morning from my pillow. Housekeeping cleaned my room and replaced my towels every day. The hotel is kept at a cool temperature, but I could control my own thermostat in my room to my preferred temperature. They also provided my son with a warmer blanket. Our TV remote stopped working and maintenance was over to replace it within 10min of us calling. They have a clean outdoor pool which is accessible through the second floor. We tried the Tea District which is on property and loved their tea beverage options. They also provided free shuttle service to the Dusit hotel down the street. I would recommend this hotel! I didn’t post too many pictures because, I felt the pictures that are already online are an honest representation of what the hotel looks like.

  • Luciana Pereira-Unchangco

    Luciana Pereira-Unchangco


    We went to Bayview Hotel because there was a tropical storm and there was a power outage. We wanted to go and be comfortable at a hotel. The room we had the AC wasnt working properly. I called the front desk and they sent the maintenance up. The guy checked the AC and said he will talk to the front desk to switch our room because something is wrong with the AC. Up until the time for checkout we were not placed in another room. I was upset because we paid for a hot room which was very uncomfortable.

  • Maria Nye Mendiola

    Maria Nye Mendiola


    We were on a tight budget due to a loss of income, but we still wanted to celebrate our 1st wedding anniversary. I found Bayview online and saw their promo. The staff was VERY pleasant and sweet. We checked-in quickly and went to our room. We were given a King size bed per my request with the Reservations Manager. The hotel was comfortable and was quickly provided extra pillows when we requested it. My ONLY issue was that there was a list of all the amenities they provided, and there was quite a few items missing. The room got really cold and they only have blankets, no comforters. All in all, my husband and I do plan on staying there for our date nights because of the reasonably priced rooms.

  • Cj Ricafort

    Cj Ricafort


    The ambiance is great. The view from my room is spectacular. The location is very convenient for me, as the places I wanted to visit are a short distance from the hotel. Also, the housekeeping staff are very prompt in cleaning my room. Though I had a really good experience, there are some things I did not like. The hallway going to my room is open, it is quite scary to walk in at night. The parking area does not have a direct connection to the hotel; I would have to go down the stairs and walk to the main lobby to get back to my room.

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