The Mermaid Tavern and Grille i Hagåtña

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140 Aspinall Ave., Suite 101, Hagåtña, 96910
Kontakter telefon: +1 671-472-2337
Latitude: 13.4759241, Longitude: 144.7507469
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Kommentar 5

  • Melvina Jones

    Melvina Jones


    Great food, great atmosphere! The artichoke dip was the best we’ve had!

  • clinton simpson

    clinton simpson


    Where to start... Service was terrible. No one talked to us or told us to seat ourselves. We just stood there waiting. We finally sat ourselves. One of the girls would come to the table and ask if we needed anything. We would make a request and then never see her again until someone else came up and we had to request the same thing again. As far as beer, I had the IPA (which was average but not bad) and the pale ale (the worst pale ale I've ever had!). Had to ask for the check several times before we got it. This places only saving grace was that the food was good. Would not recommend to anyone. Better beers elsewhere that don't taste like dish soap.

  • Richard Spaziano

    Richard Spaziano


    Terrible service, and you probably shouldn't be ordering food here anyways. Beer it great though.

  • rodney cook

    rodney cook


    I like the place. Generally speaking they have good food. Unfortunately, the service is slow...even when not crowded. This last time, some friends & I overheard who we assumed to be the owner loudly chastising an employee. I understood his point, but I found the public, verbal performance assessment to be disruptive to the overall climate and dining experience. That being said, the food was good and the attentiveness of the server was good.

  • Joseph Mesa

    Joseph Mesa


    Good mellow atmosphere. Depending on the crowd and the hour, a good place to enjoy company with friends. Food is decent despite moderate pricing. This place is better to enjoy if you're not in a rush. Local craft beers are good but may be underwhelming if you have a diverse palette from mainland menus.

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