The Royal Orchid Guam Hotel i Tumon

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626, Pale San Vitores Road, 96931, Tumon, GU Guam
Kontakter telefon: +1 671-649-2000
Latitude: 13.502325, Longitude: 144.794856
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Kommentar 5

  • Charles Butler

    Charles Butler


    Great location and very convenient with all the restaurants and shopping centers inside and very near.

  • shin young kim

    shin young kim


    I'm sure it's a hotel with a lot of different opinions. We stayed one day from dawn arrival and the last day from dawn. Initially, it was an old facility and the sheets were not good for the old one. The second accommodation was good for use because the bed was soft and the facilities were clean, despite the neglect of the same structure as the upgraded rooms. I'm thinking of staying again if I go to Guam.

  • Daniel Sanchez

    Daniel Sanchez


    So I don't know much about the Hotel, but the USO here is great. Has food, drinks, motivated staff. Only down side, no restroom inside the USO itself.

  • Kyle Cabatit

    Kyle Cabatit


    Old but nice rooms. Lobby is nothing out of the ordinary. Check-in time is at 3PM so if you arrive early morning then you'll have to wait a while before getting some rest in your hotel room. Internet speed is abyssmal so don't expect to get anything done (although you can rent a pocket wi-fi which is extremely fast). A big positive though is that its beside a lot of restaurants, stores and amenities. The Jamaican Grill beside the hotel and the Italian restaurant across the lobby are some of the best restaurants on the island.

  • Adventure Rim Aviation

    Adventure Rim Aviation


    Sounds good. Tony Roma..... Niu Fusion...... good food. location near kmart.

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