U.S. District Court of Guam i Hagåtña

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U.S. Courthouse 520, West Soledad Avenue, 96910, Hagåtña, GU Guam
Kontakter telefon: +1 671-473-9100
Hjemmeside: www.gud.uscourts.gov
Latitude: 13.4769474, Longitude: 144.7425932
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Kommentar 2

  • Bryan Rekowski

    Bryan Rekowski


    Spent a lot of time here, their court room is also the doctor's office mainly because Judge Spool is also Dr. Spool. He sees patients daily so sometimes there's a lot of confusion with them coming in and out. The court room sketch artist is amazing. He makes these bobble-head like sketches and for a few extra bucks will add a dragon or life-like farm animal in place of the stenographer. Anyway, I had a few big cases here (Sandusky vs Goat Farm, Kinkos vs State of Guam) in which I defended and won all of my cases. The great part about Guam law is that you in fact do not need to be a practiced lawyer and at any time can challenge an attorney to a one on one game of basketball at the local high school at any point during the case in which the case is put on hold and the game (up to 11 ones and twos) commences. Trials here typically last 2-3 years because it's mostly just games of basketball, but this country does love their ball. I once played the judge and actually threw out a few cases of my choosing because I beat him by 2. In the end, it's all justice...street justice.

  • Eliezer Victor

    Eliezer Victor


    I felt like I was in the very same place because of the clarify of the images.

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