U.S. Naval Hospital i Tutuhan

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Farenholt Avenue, 96910, Tutuhan, GU Guam
Kontakter telefon: +1 671-344-9340
Hjemmeside: www.med.navy.mil
Latitude: 13.4752103, Longitude: 144.7366118
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Kommentar 5

  • Charles



    I was born here 21 years ago :) left when I was 2 years old. Funny I went to review this and saw someone post a similar comment right before me. I too hope to come back to see where I was born.

  • Hannah Parrott

    Hannah Parrott


    I was born here in 1992. We left when I was just 6 months old. I'm determined to one day come back and experience its true beauty!

  • Artificial Patrick

    Artificial Patrick


    Amazing even though I can see a picture from far

  • Gagné Ginger

    Gagné Ginger


    My parents and our family were stationed and lived on Anderson AFB from June 1961 to June 1964. 1292 Mango Drive. Great place to live when you are in 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade, with a bike, and base buses! Then, 23 years later, my husband was in the Navy and our family was stationed at NAS AGANA. We were in base housing up by the COMNAVMAR Headquarters from June 1987 to June 1987. It had changed IMMENSELY!!! As a child, it was a closed island. Going back as an adult, there were resort hotels and car dealers! And that huge road around the island, as a child, there was a dirt and sand road that went part way around the island. It was a great duty station for my husband and I. But not great for our kids. They were mostly happy at the USO Beach, or Tarague Beach on Anderson AFB.. Unfortunately, when Hurricane Ivan hit the Gulf of Mexico, specifically Garzon Point near Pensacola, FL in 2004, we lost everything including a life time of photos and momentos.! But God is good, he saved the shell of our home and gave us the good sense to hightail it North for 2 days.we did not lose any human or animal life!

  • Lucas Hemlani

    Lucas Hemlani


    Great views. Top notch equipment. Professional staff.

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