Winchell's i Hagåtña

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4, 96913, Hagåtña, GU Guam
Kontakter telefon: +1 671-477-9342
Latitude: 13.4753303, Longitude: 144.7540087
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Kommentar 5

  • Andrea Chabassol

    Andrea Chabassol


    Very disappointed in the breakfast sandwiches. I ordered the sausage, egg and cheese, they forgot the egg. Ordered a bagel, it wasn’t in the bag. Didn’t realize any of this until I was already home. The coffee was good.

  • Stephen Weiss

    Stephen Weiss


    Got curry chicken and rice. Cheap meal, but very little chicken with a lot of curry gravy. Rice was on the side and not covering the rice. OK if you're not expecting much.

  • R Eddy

    R Eddy


    Winchell's is a cheap donut and coffee shop offering some other selections. I've had the prime rib meat sandwich. It was descent, but I could think of better food options for the money. When eating in I noticed the only other people in there appeared to be homeless. They did interrupt me and my son's experience with questions, but I didn't feel threatened. If you want to take your kid out for a donut there aren't many more options than Winchell's.

  • Mark Korb

    Mark Korb


    3.99 curry was meaty and pretty delicious. Was not too impressed with their over priced sweets.

  • M Wesen

    M Wesen


    Donuts are not anything special just regular ole donuts. I also had the curry chicken (only $3.99) its ok. The curry has a lot of chicken but could use more curry, i could varely taste it. The donuts were only $1 so nit badly priced. I wont be returning.

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