DeWitt Guam i Tamuning

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Tun Joaquin Guerrero Street, 96913, Tamuning, GU Guam
Kontakter telefon: +1 671-648-1800
Latitude: 13.49998, Longitude: 144.80921
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Kommentar 5

  • Pj Binondo

    Pj Binondo


    Always friendly and helpful.

  • Ben Shugart

    Ben Shugart


    I’ve been trying to get my packout for a while now. This company has not sent me a confirmation email, nor have they called, or given me any sort of tracking number to when i might have my stuff arrive stateside. I tried calling and the lady who answered didn’t even say anything before she transferred me to a number that didn’t even answer! So I left a voicemail and no one got back to me. I went to their website to find an email, so i emailed them and then the email (i surprisingly got back) said that this person was no longer with Dewitt! And gave me someone else to email. I am VERY disappointed and all i want is some sort of confirmation or tracking number so i can gauge when my stuff MIGHT ever arrive.

  • Marc-Anthony Pillarda

    Marc-Anthony Pillarda


    I was told they called me, but they never did. No voice mail, nothing. I have a stateside phone number which they said they COULD NOT CALL, but they CAN. Someone from their company called my phone to verify a paper that I had to fill out to pay for a missed appointment. So that’s proof they’re full of it. They said they waited outside my gate for 1 hr, but I never saw ANYONE out there. I was watching my gate outside. Still nobody. The fact that they are full of it makes me think twice about this company. There’s no proof of them coming to the my house nor calling me. I didn’t say anything about them confirming through email that they were there. It’s the two statements that they lied about 1. Calling me and 2. Showing up to my house. Both of them are lies.

  • Courtney Zamora

    Courtney Zamora


    Very patient and kind. Too bad customs wasn't like this place.

  • Micah Simonson

    Micah Simonson


    The lady at the front desk is rude. She has zero customer service; expressing extreme bother and inconvience of simple requests from her clients who are PAYING HER SALARY. For no reason she is snotty. She left such a horrible impression on me. I hope you do not need to encounter her; but you will, because she is the first person you talk to as you enter DeWitt.

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