Guam Pak Express i Tamuning

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278, South Marine Corps Drive, 96916, Tamuning, US
Kontakter telefon: +1 671-649-3971
Latitude: 13.4903892, Longitude: 144.7894032
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Kommentar 2

  • Angie Rampy

    Angie Rampy


    My moving team did an excellent job! They arrived on time and got to work right away. The crew was polite and took very good care of my belongings. They did their work quickly and efficiently. Before they left, they asked me to walk through the truck to make sure everything had been unpacked and nothing was left behind. They did a great job making sure my move went smoothly!

  • Geordan



    These guys are SHADY! I scheduled a move and the manager decided to change it to a different day last minute (which was fine). The movers showed on the original move date (late) and I told them the move was for tomorrow and to speak with their boss about the change of schedule. Their boss turns around and tries to charge me a rescheduling fee and was blatantly lying about the email that was sent to confirm the change. SHADY!!!! DO NOT USE!!!

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