Harper Valley Kennels i Chalan Pago Ordot

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Chalan Pago Ordot, Guam
Kontakter telefon: +1 671-477-8381
Hjemmeside: hvkguam.com
Latitude: 13.432951, Longitude: 144.7789049
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Kommentar 4

  • Jeena Jiyeon Yoo

    Jeena Jiyeon Yoo


    I would have give 5 until my dog came home and had with bloody diarrhea that same night, and noone responded to my calls or emails inquiring about this. Also asked for email itemized receipt and return of official health documents and still waiting on it. My dog is at the vet now 24hrs after coming from here...

  • Zee Lizama

    Zee Lizama


    I chose this service because someone recommended it to me and I am glad I decided to. I had Seve helped me with my transit from Saipan to Guam and he has helped me make the transit at ease. I had a few problems that occurred and he informed me of it and helped me figure them out. So thank you so much Seve!

  • Jade Phoenix

    Jade Phoenix


    Family owned and operated for more than 20 years. Just off of route 10; facing the intersection with route 4, you'll see a neighborhood road ahead of you, which curves to the left. Follow this road for a moment until you see a single lane road that goes downward on the right side. This is the entrance to the personal property on which Harper Valley Kennels is housed. Our eight month old kitty stayed with Seve (seh-vēe), who is awesome with the animals, for about two weeks. We had absolutely no issues. We haven't used these services specifically, but HVK also provides quarantine / boarding for animals new to the island and will even pick the animal up from the airport for you.

  • Caitlin Struss

    Caitlin Struss


Nærmeste Dyrlægebehandling:

Marianas Vet Care

Bldg. 154A, 8, Barrigada
veterinary_careLæs mere

Wise Owl Animal Hospital

705 South Marine Corps Drive, Tamuning
veterinary_careLæs mere

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