Wise Owl Animal Hospital i Tamuning

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705, South Marine Corps Drive, 96913, Tamuning, GU Guam
Kontakter telefon: +1 671-646-2273
Hjemmeside: wiseowl.net
Latitude: 13.4862304, Longitude: 144.7801029
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Kommentar 5

  • Richard Spaziano

    Richard Spaziano


    No questions asked when showing up with a dead dog. Sixty dollars and it's gone. Would recommend if in similar situation.

  • Goldy Ivashkov

    Goldy Ivashkov


    great staff, curteous and accomodating. I felt very welcomed and taken care of. This place is also the number one place recommended by many of whom I asked when looking around for a good veternarian clinic :) I am very happy with them and find myself and my pooch looking forward to our next visit.

  • Jeena Jiyeon Yoo

    Jeena Jiyeon Yoo


    average wait time with an appointment was 60minutes. and I heard from a friend who lost a pet that while the dog was hospitalized here and ended up dying, the vet did not even notify her until the next morning, I e several hours after the dog died. I know this is Guam but I don't know think this is acceptable for medical care, even for animals. I will try to find another vet, too bad my resources are limited on the island.

  • Fireman IV

    Fireman IV


    Wise owl let me borrow a pet carrier to go pick up a rescue. They carry taste of the wild pet food which I have used in the past. I have not been seen by the vet yet, but it seemed as if the vet or who I thought was the vet was really friendly and caring about furry loved ones.

  • Tora mama

    Tora mama


    普通に良いです! それぞれのペットに予防注射記録表をしっかりとつけてくれます 診察室も清潔です。 日本語はつうじません。 そのため手術などペットに大きな負担のかかる内容の時は、英語の話せる人をつれていって、診断後でも再度内容を確認して承諾を勧めます。 また予約なしでも入れます。 が、とにかく待たされます。予約入れても待つことが多いです。 預かりもしてもらえますが夏休みなどは一杯のこと多し。

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