Hava Java Cafe i Hagåtña

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Suite 102, 148, Aspinall Avenue, 96910, Hagåtña, GU Guam
Kontakter telefon: +1 671-477-0600
Latitude: 13.4759622, Longitude: 144.7507297
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Kommentar 5

  • Joanie L.M.

    Joanie L.M.


    Great atmosphere to meet friends. Cinammon rolls are great

  • Grace Gatmen

    Grace Gatmen


    Love their food but service is a little slow...love it still

  • Frank Abuan

    Frank Abuan


    Hava Java uses italians top coffee "lavazza" beans and their coffee is the best on island! I also love their turkey bacon sandwiches especially when the bacon is to the right crisp! So anyone reading this please go and have a great experience over at hava java cafe in agana (behind the post office across bank pacific).

  • Matthew Scholze

    Matthew Scholze


    Friendly smiling faces and cozy place. Add drinks are great too

  • Shalyn at Welcome Home Realty

    Shalyn at Welcome Home Realty


    Hava Java is the best sandwich shop on Guam! Great coffee, tea and build your own sandwiches. They use super fresh ingredients and is the perfect place to decompress on a lunch break. Plus the pastries!

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