Mighty Purple Cafe i Hagåtña

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Hagåtña, 96910, Guam
Kontakter telefon: +1-671
Latitude: 13.4750535, Longitude: 144.7503639
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Kommentar 5

  • Joseph Cruz

    Joseph Cruz


    Acai bowls... YUMMY YUMMY YUMMY

  • Helene Patel

    Helene Patel


    OMG if you're a grill cheese lover and love smoothies this is your place. Taro bread sandwiches hence the name the Mighty Purple

  • Ian McConnaughey

    Ian McConnaughey


    Love it. Great vibe, and açaí! My wife is Brazilian and I lived in Brazil for two years. It's great to have a taste of home close to our new home here on Guam.

  • R T

    R T


    Pure Purple Awesomeness - Monkey Bowl

  • Waren Delano

    Waren Delano


    Excellent customer service. The Acai bowl was delicious! Would recommend to anyone who's craving Acai fruit.

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