Uttam's Auto Sounds & Electronics i Hagåtña

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Marine Corps Drive, 96910, Hagåtña, GU Guam
Kontakter telefon: +1 671-477-9610
Hjemmeside: www.uttamsguam.com
Latitude: 13.477318, Longitude: 144.760368
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Kommentar 5

  • Stephanie Gump

    Stephanie Gump


    Kind of pricey but looks like good quality

  • Mike McD

    Mike McD


    got a great system here. Harry and crew were very helpful through the entire process

  • Jonathan Perez

    Jonathan Perez


    The owner here is a great guy. I don’t think he’s trying to scam you out of your money like most people. I was installing a new radio to my car and was having issues I took my car over and they helped me out for $70 I think that’s pretty cheap. They have a selection of wires, radios, and radio harnesses as well. I found one for my 2009 Honda Element for $25. My only complaint is they sales lady is not very knowledgeable about any of there products or prices. When I was looking for my harness originally I called and she said she’d call back because she wants sure if they carried it. After several hours I showed up in person and found they have a whole section of the store dedicated to these harnesses. Any question I had about comparability or usage she referred me to the specialist. I guess it’s not the end of the world but it would be nice if the sales associate knew more in order to make the buying process easier.

  • Sarah Betcher

    Sarah Betcher


    i had a fuse that kept popping every time that i tried to plug in my new (used) cars head unit. i had spent all day trying to figure out the problem and thought it was probably an internal short in the head unit. i walked in to uttams to get some help. josh opened a stereo box from his shelves, crimped on a harness himself, hooked it up in my car in the parking lot, and checked it out, all before i even said that i would buy one. turned out that it was a short within the stereo and he got me set up with a new one. super cool guys and really helpful experience. thanks again!

  • Aaron Denton

    Aaron Denton


    Wonderful service, a flat charge of $75 for a speaker replacement. However, after a quick turnover and waiting no more than 20 minutes, received the car back with cuts and dirt stuck to the dashboard. Obviously the use of tools had done this to the dashboard, but it seemed careless and now I come out with a damaged interior.

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