Drop i Tamuning

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Pale San Vitores Road, 96913, Tamuning, GU Guam
Kontakter telefon: +1 671-487-8136
Hjemmeside: dropguam.com
Latitude: 13.5083173, Longitude: 144.8032473
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Kommentar 5

  • Dylan Saad

    Dylan Saad


    The name: Kenn Drop and Exit produce some of the best cocktails on the Island. A hip and upbeat atmosphere keeps this place vibing. This place is special due to the amazing people that work there and the ingredients they care about. Enjoyable mojitos, martinis and whisky forward cocktails are what they do best. Lots of tropical flavors as well. Look for Kenn at the Exit side to make your night enjoyable.

  • Kevin Taitague

    Kevin Taitague


    Very nice place to chill & relax. Small & intimate to hang with friends. There is Drop one side which is kinda on the bright side & connected on the other, there's Exit, a little on the dark gloom side which I prefer.

  • Jaden Jaden

    Jaden Jaden


    Great fun for karaoke. Lots of rooms.

  • logan reyes

    logan reyes


    I love Drop. The bartenders are awesome. The crowd is chill. And it's like the only legit "lounge" on island.

  • John Wiglesworth

    John Wiglesworth


    Divatini and drop long island keep me coming back to this place. Small, modern, and loud EDM atmosphere. Best mixed drinks on island.

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