Agana Heights Elementary School i Tutuhan

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Tutuhan, Guam
Kontakter telefon: +1-671
Latitude: 13.4650829, Longitude: 144.7467251
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Kommentar 4

  • Adreana Quintanilla

    Adreana Quintanilla


  • Chunky Monkey

    Chunky Monkey


    I went to school there for 2 years. 4th and 5th. I always loved the staff and teachers and the principal. When I was there of course.

  • R Eddy

    R Eddy


    The teachers and staff do a good job. My kids like it here. I have had at least one kid in this school for five years now. They have an active PTO group with great people. I think the kids get a good education here while learning about things like anti-bullying behavior. They offer some good after-school programs and camps during vacation. They also offer a GATE (gifted and talented education) program, if your child qualifies.

  • Khol Sugiyama

    Khol Sugiyama


    Loved the teachers and staff that made my years in agana heights the best years they could be..

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