Alupang Beach Tower Condo i Tamuning

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999, South Marine Corps Drive, 96913, Tamuning, GU Guam
Kontakter telefon: +1 671-649-9666
Latitude: 13.4838256, Longitude: 144.7718039
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Kommentar 5

  • Theodor Hargau

    Theodor Hargau


    Good place.

  • Alex Jerimie James DeLorie

    Alex Jerimie James DeLorie



  • Norman Corliss

    Norman Corliss


    Dated furniture and appliances. Room is a little beat up, one a/c doesn't work. Only convenient place that does month to month. Staff is nice.

  • Maude McBride

    Maude McBride


    The staff here are pretty good. I feel bad that they work in such a dump. Plus one star for staff and the view. We stayed on the top floor in a suite because we had a large group. The hotel advertises a king bed in the master and 3 bathrooms. The bed in the master was a queen (problem since it was two friends sharing a bed, not a couple) and there were only 2 showers in the place. They also advertised a fully stocked kitchen but had no microwave. The walls were dirty, as they had not been cleaned or painted in years. The wall outlets were coming out of the walls. There were ants in the kitchen. The shower upstairs had so little pressure it was dripping. The sheets felt like sandpaper. The comforters were from the 1980s. You could feel the interior structure of the couch because they were so old and sunken. The pool's paint was peeling on the floor. The lobby was "under construction", but was basically vacant with no A/C and an abandoned shop and restaurant. They advertised they were close to the city, but we could walk to a couple of restaurants but ended up having to take cabs to get anywhere. If I wanted to stay in a motel, I would have stayed in a motel. We paid 4 star prices for 1 star quality.

  • Philip Godfrey

    Philip Godfrey


    Long term tenant here. Staff is absolutely excellent. Power stays on (back up generators) during storms and it's a safe building with underground parking. Expensive.

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