Antonio B. Won Pat International Airport i Tamuning

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355, Chalan Pasaheru, 96913, Tamuning, GU Guam
Kontakter telefon: +1 671-646-0300
Latitude: 13.4852976, Longitude: 144.8008119
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Kommentar 5

  • LaBotte



    Horrible airport. Food court sucks, bar is closed and even if it was opened, I was told the TV is broken. Stuck here for 7 1/2 hours because Delta cancelled my oneway flight from Saipan and feed me to United... NBA title game happening right now, wait, that's right the only TV in the terminal is broken.

  • Lewis Ham

    Lewis Ham


    I’ve flown in and out of Guam numerous times. Although the island is great I wish I could avoid the airport. Immigration and customs has taken more than 2 hours and 1 hour + is not uncommon. On top of that the employees are rude. I suppose that’s to be expected from a government entity.




    Horrible flight schedules. Spotty internet. Finally found a plug and had a very rude airport cop -A.M. Tenorio - start yelling at my husband and I telling us the plugs are private property... as if travel with an 8 hour layover at an uncomfortable airport with few amenities could get more unpleasant.

  • VV 2025Nguyen

    VV 2025Nguyen


    Internet is slow as a rock trying to move on a flat surface. The food court is way to far from the gates. Very messy. Unorganized and staff isn’t helpful. Please fix this airport!! The only good thing in this airport is that their United Lounge is WONDERFUL!!

  • Shawn Trulove

    Shawn Trulove


    Nice airport but lacks the ability to charge your devices while you wait for your flight. On the plus side it is easy to get to and quick to clear security so you should not have to wait long in the airport. The duty free has some good prices on liquor.

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