Days Inn Guam-Tamuning i Tamuning

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155 Ypao Road, Tamuning, 96913, Guam
Kontakter telefon: +1 671-646-3297
Latitude: 13.4927062, Longitude: 144.7899317
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Kommentar 5

  • Noah Wright

    Noah Wright


    Really doesn't look like much but the beds are seriously amazing. Feels like you're sleeping on a cloud.

  • William Powell

    William Powell


    We stayed here for a night before heading to the Philippines the next evening. The desk agent Danielle was super helpful with everything and gave me the phone number for a good taxi service (“Korean taxi” — ask front desk if you need the number). She also gave us some solid suggestions on where to go out that night. We ended up at Beach Bar which was fun. Room was good for the layover, I definitely was going for price during this stay since all of the beach front properties were crazy expensive.

  • Christopher Beal

    Christopher Beal


    Nice clean rooms with helpful and polite staff

  • Tara Chan

    Tara Chan


    The hotel staff were very nice and welcoming. Checking in was a breeze. I had a room with a queen-sized bed, and it was quite comfortable. The overall size of the room was decent, and the AC was serviceable, as well as the shower. It is near the Guam Premier Outlets. There is a Maxi Mart right across the street for your convenience, and guests can utilise the other Wyndham Garden hotel up the street for pool access. The view was a bit of an eyesore, showing me some construction project. Also, the room showed signs of it being old and run-down. The AC was a bit on the loud side. The shower's water pressure wasn't great, but it did the job of getting me cleaned. Also, the hallways are opened into the atrium, so it wasn't air-conditioned. Location-wise, this hotel is located far from the main shopping district, so renting a car is recommended. This hotel is good for those on a budget, costing around $80-90 a night. If you just need a no-frill place to sleep, shower, and unwind after a day of sightseeing, this is the hotel for you.

  • Bryan Ball

    Bryan Ball


    Pretty decent. Clean, good consistent housekeeping, bottles of water in the fridge, balcony view, friendly staff, public computers available, reliable internet.

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