Guahan Insurance Services, Inc. i Tamuning

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509 South Marine Corps Drive, Suite 5 & 6, Tamuning, 96913, Guam
Kontakter telefon: +1 671-475-1162
Latitude: 13.488445, Longitude: 144.7849292
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Kommentar 5

  • jenmarie saures

    jenmarie saures


  • BillieAnn Rosario

    BillieAnn Rosario


    Terrible customer service, especially auto department. Requested a 3 car bundle, quotes with different deductibles.. called first time & gave info for quotation. . No call back! Called 2nd time and a different rep. Took my info, and got a call back the next day.. with an attitude. . BTW, that rep with attitude is RONA

  • Suanita Yoma

    Suanita Yoma


    One of the best insurance on the island.

  • Jessica Perez-Jackson

    Jessica Perez-Jackson


    The customer service and knowledge of the staff and management at Guahan Insurance are amazing! I have never felt in better hands - with regard to my home insurance. I received a competitive quote with better coverage, and I didn't have to lift a finger. The Guahan Insurance employee took care of me every step of the way and explained my coverage in terms that I could understand. Thank you Guahan Insurance, you get an A+!

  • Ike Elickios

    Ike Elickios


    First time with them.. liking it so far. 😊

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