Guam Plaza Resort & Spa i Tamuning

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1328, Pale San Vitores Road, 96913, Tamuning, GU Guam
Kontakter telefon: +1 671-646-7803
Latitude: 13.515728, Longitude: 144.808532
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Kommentar 5

  • Carla Johnson

    Carla Johnson


    Noise from roudy children/adults is easily heard, & other noises such as guests moving furniture and even walking the halls carries. The rooms have no house slippers (the entire floor is un-carpeted) or robes, and no power outlets near the bed. There is a tiny fridge, but no other kitchen amenities besides a coffee pot and mugs and a container for ice). The bed(s) and comforters are plush, however. The bathroom does provide towels and soap, and hot water does not run out. The entryway requires the key card be inserted into the little console above the light switch to have the AC (air conditioner) and lights turn on automatically, which is slightly handy if they are left on.

  • Jenny Lee

    Jenny Lee


    From the outside and downstairs lobby it seem like a 5 star hotel buttttttt! Wait til you get to the room! It smells dusty when I got there and the rooms are small! Their wifi suck. You have no hope for wifi there at all!

  • Tom Chipman

    Tom Chipman


    4 stars instead of 5 only because it's a little old, and not right on the beach. But for me it's perfect. A little exercise walking 5 minutes to the beach is healthy of course. It has an indoor 24/7 convenience store, and has a nice courtyard outdoor bar and swimming pool. If you want one of the beach hotels you'll be paying double, just to save yourself a 5 minute walk.

  • Mins BarGuam

    Mins BarGuam


    Prime Shopping, Restaurants, Water Park, and Spa Bali all in one place. I enjoyed the Spa massage and relaxed in the Ambience of relaxing sound.

  • Tom Camacho

    Tom Camacho


    My family celebrated my mother's 90th birthday at Guam Plaza Resort and Spa. We invited 150 people to celebrate with us. I can't say enough about working with Red and Ed on the event. Our guests complimented how nice the ballroom was and the food was very delicious. A few guests have already inquired about booking the same room. Great job to Red Ed Heather and all the other staff that made our event one we will never forget. Thank you Chef Dennis for the great tasting menu.

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