Guam Premier Outlets i Tamuning

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Tamuning, 96913, Guam
Kontakter telefon: +1 671-647-4032
Latitude: 13.4897144, Longitude: 144.7819175
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Kommentar 5

  • Jimmy Evangelista

    Jimmy Evangelista


    Excellent choices in the food court, lots of shopping vendors, but it would be great to have a parking lot that had overhead shelter or like a garage parking.

  • Alex Gagaring

    Alex Gagaring


    Biggest and busiest Ross department store for great bargains. Good movie theater. Love the boutique stores. Chili's, Kings, Wendy's, Ruby Tuesday's, at a great central location.

  • Sean



    Nice options. Went to coldstone and a few other spots. Easy parking, lots of stores, more for clothing than anything else. Has small book store with good options and a toy shop. Lots of options, friendly crowds, it's a nice trip.

  • Joel Charfauros

    Joel Charfauros


    It's a one stop shopping place with many ameneties. From shopping to eating and even recreational, watching movies. If you are into window shopping then this is the place. Adjacent to this building is Chucky Cheese for all the kids or adults for that matter. It's an all day go to area. Amazing.

  • Helene Patel

    Helene Patel


    It's a great mall. Asian's spend and take their treasures back home. The best Ross store I have ever seen. I can say that. My home is in proper North Dallas.

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