Hyatt Regency Guam i Tamuning

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1155, Pale San Vitores Road, 96913, Tamuning, GU Guam
Kontakter telefon: +1 671-647-1234
Latitude: 13.512767, Longitude: 144.80493
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Kommentar 5

  • Zach White

    Zach White


    I enjoyed my stay here, but my room was dated and felt worn by Hyatt standards. Otherwise the property was phenomenal and I loved the in-house dining choices. I will definitely return to this location in the future. Intl WOH member.

  • Md. Arifur Rahman

    Md. Arifur Rahman


    We went to the restaurant to have lunch. It was nice, specially the view of outside and sea. Food was great. They have different choices of menu. Good people at Hotel, treated us well. Very clean and nicely decorated. Overall A+. Only thing about parking, it was hard to find a spot. We had to go to the top floor to get one.

  • Gina Michelle

    Gina Michelle


    We stayed two nights, visiting from California. The view from the room is unbeatable (see pic). The room itself is outdated but very clean and comfortable. The lobby is beautiful, and I loved the fragrance. Staff is very friendly. The coffee shop is overpriced. The breakfast at Cafe Kitchen was DELICIOUS ($35 per person because we got the local price on the room - a friend made us the reservation). The pool is great, but kind of small & something about the pool area feels outdated... can’t put my finger on it. I would love if the jacuzzi were bigger. The location is PERFECT. Right on the beach! We went back and forth to the beach & to the pool all afternoon. So fun.

  • A. Henrichs

    A. Henrichs


    I was recently invited to attend a birthday celebration at the cafe kitchen locate in the Hyatt regency hotel. The restaurant layout was simple and clean. The tomahawk steak is definitely a dish you should order if you have a large appetite or are with several people. I must confess I didn’t pay attention to anything else after the steak arrived at our table. They do offer other dishes... I think.

  • Leonard-John Ventura

    Leonard-John Ventura


    I just had a great dinner at Al Dente today with friends. If I were to be knit-picky, I would have to say that the food was released in a rather inconsistent fashion (as far as course meals go). The bread, salad, and pasta courses came at perfect times - we had just finished the course and in a few minutes, the next course was served. However, it took a bit longer for the entree and dessert to come out. The food was great and the servers were friendly enough. Overall, I would definitely recommend this place to anyone who wants an extra special dinner.

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