Megabyte Computer Service & Sales Center i Tamuning

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720, South Marine Corps Drive, 96913, Tamuning, GU Guam
Kontakter telefon: +1 671-649-9638
Latitude: 13.4852366, Longitude: 144.7798812
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Kommentar 5

  • Stephen Weiss

    Stephen Weiss


    Reasonable, but they don't give discounts normally like some other places.

  • Zombie Phish

    Zombie Phish


    Some of these reviews are ridiculous. The lady who gave them a one star for not being able to recover data from her thumb drive that was broken in half? are you kidding me? are you retarded? Anyway, yes, the prices have a premium on them. Megabyte employs locals and supplies the local government. Yes you can get a DVD burner on Amazon for $25 (with shipping) from a guy who drop ships containers from his parents basement. Youre paying for the convenience. I've been in business for over a decade. I dont think you people understand how much it costs to ship stuff here so you can have the convenience of getting it today. I have them work on my machines alot (i have a hundred computers). Megabytes service is hit or miss because they train local kids from UOG and GCC, so sometimes you get a kid that doesnt know much. Be patient with them, theyre kids learning a trade. They are the future of our island. Megabyte provides a service to the island, not just the consumer. In sales, ask for Virgil or Tammy. In service, ask for Roland or Francis. For copier machines, ask for Armin. These are the top experienced people there and they will help you.

  • I. Lee Williamson

    I. Lee Williamson


    I didn't buy anything, but they appeared to have a good selection of products. It was too warm inside; not sure if they keep it that way intentionally or if there was something wrong with the A/Cs that day...

  • Daniel Biddy

    Daniel Biddy


    Really expensive electronics store. They have a good selection of various goods, but with no real competition on Guam they can set their own prices.

  • Jeremiah Brock

    Jeremiah Brock


    A good one stop shop for all your computing needs. Staff is friendly and helpful. Highly recommended.

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