Paradise Fitness Center i Hagåtña

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213, Chalan Santo Papa Juan Pablo Dos, 96910, Hagåtña, GU Guam
Kontakter telefon: +1 671-475-2100
Latitude: 13.4757331, Longitude: 144.7553215
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Kommentar 5

  • R Eddy

    R Eddy


    My local gym of choice. Good variety of equipment and classes. No pool, sauna, or hot tub.

  • Jamie Cook

    Jamie Cook


    Its the place I go to earn my endorphins and burn the dessert I ate from the night before. The gym offers options for every type of training/sport - strength, cardio, yoga, etc. It's one of the only complete, full service gyms (off base) on island. I've been going here forever. I started taking classes at the Hagatna location but they have opened up two other slightly smaller locations in Dededo, and Tumon. All locations offer a different vibe. I usually drawn to the location for the classes and the instructor. Most are good. Some are better. It all depends on your preference.

  • Farooq S

    Farooq S


    Good gym, but not always consistent with opening hours. Showed up a couple of times and was not open without any notice of when they would open those days.

  • Da Champ Guam

    Da Champ Guam


    The front desk guy kept talking to his friend while we try to check in even though he looked at us knowing we needed to get in. Then gives us a stare like we bothered him.

  • James L. Chen

    James L. Chen


    Paradise Fitness Tumon might be one of the best gyms I've been to. It's different. The equipment is tech. The people there are really nice. They offer many types of memberships. As someone that travels, I really appreciate their excellence.

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