The Home Depot i Tamuning

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295 Chalan Pasaheru, Tamuning, 96913, Guam
Kontakter telefon: +1 671-648-0440
Latitude: 13.4936612, Longitude: 144.7998476
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Kommentar 5

  • Jeanyse Baza

    Jeanyse Baza


    This place almost 100% of the time has what my family needs at decent prices and quantities. It doesn't hurt that my kids love the shopping cart that has the steering wheels for kids. 😄

  • Jamaal Tewid

    Jamaal Tewid


    The assistance was detailed and to the point! Got what I needed and excellent instructions for fixing my faucet issues.

  • Paul



    Great place to loose track of time:) especially if there is so much you'd like to get for the house....I highly recommend this one for a stroll if you don't mind possibly ending up with more projects at home than you originally intended 😁

  • Andrew White

    Andrew White


    First and foremost, the staff is always friendly and helpful when you need help. Great to see the store stocked, but is it really necessary to clog the aisles with so much stock you can't even roll your cart through? Makes the store more crowded then it needs to be.

  • Joseph Sanz

    Joseph Sanz


    Home Depot is our biggest hardware store on Guam. You can rent different types of equipment for your home renovation or maintenance needs. I always buy paints and roof coating material there because quality and brand of interior to exterior paints is excellent and trustworthy. There many selections of appliances is appropriate to fit an individuals budget. If your and outdoor person they have good quality lawn and patio furniture and good selection of plants and flowers to brighten and decorate your yard. In protecting and securing your well invested home property you can also purchase chain link materials to mark and build your own fence. So before checking any hardware store for your needs I recommend you check Home Depot first. Thank You Home Depot for coming out to our island way out here in the Pacific Ocean.

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